Insula wishes to run its operations in accordance with principles for responsible, ethical and sound business practise. This requires a joint effort by all employees and board members.

The purpose of the group’s code of conduct is therefore to define, clarify and secure the framework of and expectations to corporately ethical and correct behaviour for everyone who acts as a representative of the group. Our code of conduct applies to all employees and board members of companies in which Insula holds a share of 50% or greater, either directly or indirectly. Pursuant to further agreement, they may also apply to independent consultants, middlemen or others who act on behalf of Insula.

Each individual employee has a duty to familiarise him or herself with and abide by our code of conduct in all relevant contexts. Managers have a particular responsibility and must set forth a good example. Managers at every level must go through the regulations together with new hires. In addition, the regulations must be reviewed annually, either in connection with employee interviews or in department meetings.

Although Insula's code of conduct has been drawn up to encompass relevant ethical issues for individuals, there will be situations in which the guidelines will not provide an exact answer. On such occasions the main principle applies that each individual must seek the advice of his or her immediate supervisor as to what would be in the best interests of the group. In addition, there are also local procedures and guidelines on various topics that are linked to the ethical guidelines, the code of conduct. These must also be known by the employees.

Insula's code of conduct is owned by the Insula’s management group. The responsibility for implementing the code of conduct in individual companies lies with the managing director of the company in collaboration with its HR function.

Any questions relating to the contents and interpretation of the principles in the document shall be directed to one's immediate supervisor. Questions that cannot be resolved by local evaluation shall be addressed to the Insula’s management group.