Insula AS's ambition is to be a leading player in the development, production and sale of processed seafood to the Nordic market. Despite our young age, we have gathered and created solid interdisciplinary expertise relating to the processing and sale of seafood through our portfolio of strong companies with long traditions. We all share a common love of the sea, the craft and the traditions, and our success is based on our ability to combine this with innovation in order to deliver the delicacies of the sea to an ever-expanding market.

Being a supplier of seafood to a growing market, the owner of companies with long traditions, and employer of dedicated staff is a major responsibility. We are therefore focused on building our corporate culture based on shared ethical principles that ensure proper operations and production. At the same time, we are interested in maintaining the many good corporate cultures that already exist in our subsidiaries.

To achieve this, the group has established its platform for further growth through the group's strategy and the Insula Way. The strategy explains our ambitions and how we will achieve them. The Insula Way defines our goals and sets the standard for how we will run our business.

Insula’s ethical guidelines, our code of conduct, is part of the Insula Way, and it defines our standards as to how we do business and act as responsible representatives of the group. Our code of conduct applies to our own workforce and board members in the group, regardless of geographical location or company association. It is therefore expected that everyone takes the time to understand its content and meaning, and that it forms the basis of each individual's workday. Respect for people and the environment, compliance with the law and integrity is our common foundation for further development.

The ethical guidelines have their foundation in the principles of the UN Guiding principles of business and human rights (UNGP), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct and The Fundamental International Labour standards by ILO and the content material to Insula.

Our core values Courage, Closeness and Commitment are part of our code of conduct.


Insula's code of conduct was approved by the board of Insula AS on December 7, 2017, and last revised in December 2024.

Amund Fjørtoft
CEO Insula AS